Aquila Del Torre

Aquila del Torre is a small company of 18 hectares, certified organic and has been working biodynamically for many years. In 2020 she turned to us to improve her communication and corporate image.

We worked with Aquila Del Torre for:

  • Company logo restyling
  • Content creation
  • Email marketing
  • Commercial consultancy
  • Digital marketing consultancy
  • Marketing consultancy

By working closely and methodically, the @aquiladeltorre social community has increased by 300%. Going from an engagement rate of 2.48% in 2020 to 6.73% in 2023.

Visits to the company increased by 15% in 2023 compared to 2022, overnight stays and experiences in the company increased by 10% in 2023 compared to 2022.

But the most significant data occurred in the production line, with our support in the creation of two new wines, "Torre Bianco" and a sparkling Riesling (not yet on the market). Leading to a notable increase in demand from, thanks above all to the new entry wine "Torre Bianco" which has allowed the company to open up to new markets.