Analysis and Strategy

Through accurate data collection and market analysis, we identify new opportunities and market niches. This innovative method allows ambitious companies to develop their brand and product with confidence and strategy.

Product Development

We guide the product development process with a structured approach:

  • Selection of raw materials and suppliers in line with the pricing and positioning strategy.
  • Design that highlights every communicative aspect, from packaging to the label.
  • Legal verification of patents and trademark registration at the European and international levels, thus protecting the client.

Marketing and PR

We use innovative communication strategies to directly reach consumers and stimulate market demand. Thanks to our extensive network of contacts, we connect the brand with influencers, artists, media companies, and global agencies, creating customized campaigns.

Retail and Distribution

We conduct detailed analysis of sales channels and develop positioning strategies in retail outlets, from large distributors to small shops. We connect you to a network of contacts, useful for creating value and consolidating the brand's presence in the territory, leveraging direct contact with retailers through social media and the internet.

Our brands